Join us for our next High Day ritual!
2025 Ritual Schedule
Imbolc: Irish Celtic - February 2nd
Spring Equinox: Baltic - March 23th
Beltane: Irish Celtic - May 4th
Summer Solstice: Norse - June 22rd
Lughnasadh: Irish Celtic - August 10th
Fall Equinox: Hellenic - September 28th
Samhain: Norse - November 2rd
Winter Solstice: TBD - December 21st
We create and post all of our rituals as events on our public Facebook pages
Feel free to follow us at:
and join our public group at
A couple notes:
• The specific names of the rituals may change to reflect the cultural celebration chosen for that time of year. For example, while some may be familiar with the word “Samhain” as a holiday in early November, it is not a holiday name associated with Anglo-Saxon festivities so that name may change. The names on this graphic represent the most commonly known pagan holidays to mark on your calendars.
• All of our rituals are free to attend and open to everyone. We gladly accept donations to help cover some of our ritual costs but donations are not required to attend.
We look forward to a year of wonderful fellowship and fantastic rituals with you!