Full Core Membership

Being a full Core Member of Columbia Grove is the second (and highest) tier of membership with Columbia Grove.
Core Member opportunities include:
All of the perks of being a Friend of Columbia.
Running for and holding elected ADF grove leadership positions
Holding coordinator and officer positions.
Coordinating outreach opportunities and events.
Writing and leading our public rituals.
Creating and leading special interest groups.
Voting at our monthly buisness and yearly bylaws meetings.
Voting in all major grove decisions and the annual election.
The requirements for joining as a Full Core Member are.
Joining first as a Friend of Columbia.
Attending three of our rituals within a 12-month period. This requirement is in place so you can get a good feel of our members, ritual style, and so we can get to know you!
Attending at least 3 of our monthly grove buisness meetings within a 12-month period.
Membership dues of $50 a year ($25 upgrade from Friend of Columbia)